Volume 1, Issue 2, 2014

1- Music as a world leader communication system

Aisulu Ospanov and Akbota Ivanov

2- Road machine as a prerequisite in today world road development

Akmetzhan Aliyev, Alisher Aliyev and Alnura Iskakov

3- Ice cream antioxidants agents and their must be oils comparision

Khaled Abdol Rahman, I.S. Amoone and O.I. El-Batani

4- Management strategies in conducting schools to right place

Anar Olmaya and Hamideh Abd Razin

5- Range based processing in modeling of dynamic behavior

Aisulu Akbota

6- Milk proteins consideration in some interactions

Z.M.R. Hamdan, Hala M. Ahkamanidan, A.A. Hossein

7- Artificial bee colony based constructive cost model for software cost estimation

Farhad Soleimanian Gharehchopogh, Isa Maleki, Amin Kamalinia, Habibeh Mohammad Zadeh


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