Volume 4, Issue 1, 2017

1- Synergistic effects of fatty acids on the performance of TBHQ in inhibiting the oxidation of corn oil  

Ali et al.

2- Methodological problems of assessment of organizational and technological reliability in construction management of linearly-extended structures  

Gasim Abdullayev Israfil oglu

3- Development of a model of planning and management of construction of linearly extended structures with high level of organizational and technological reliability  

Gasim Abdullayev Israfil oglu

4- Formation of the model of planning and management of linearly – extended structures construction with the rated level of reliability  

Gasim Abdullayev Israfil oglu

5- Profound Understanding of fundamental mathematics (PUFM) among K-5/6 mathematics teachers  

Tandog et al

6- The right to social security in legislation of the republic of Azerbaijan and international law: the state and prospects of development

Shahriyar I. Aliyev


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