Volume 3, Special Issue 2, 2016
1- Customer relationship management with big data enabled in banking sector
Muhammad Anshari, Syamimi Ariff Lim
Suhaimi et al.
3- Analysis of physical fitness test on junior football players
Mat Berahim, Mohar Kassim
Soh et al.
Jillard O. Mercado, Rozette E. Mercado
6- Design framework of a smart Kanban system for Malaysian automotive mixed model assembly line
Yasin et al.
Fauzi et al.
8- Statistical aspect on the measuring of intermetallic compound thickness of lead free solders
Jalar et al.
9- Hybrid power systems‐ a comparative analysis
Charanjiv Gupta, Sanjeev Singh
10- Can imagery technique enhance the goalkeeper performance?
Izham Mat Isa, Mohar Kassim
Sarkawi et al.
12- Takaful: A review on performance, issues and challenges in Malaysia
Fauzi et al.
Mohamad et al.
Ascaño et al.
Arifin et al.
Ramli et al.
17- A Review on the application of bills of quantities (BQ) in construction project procurement
Rashid et al.
Zawawi et al.
19- A review on the Malaysian public private partnership (PPP)
Rashid et al.
Dennis A. Apuan, Mary Jean B. Apuan
21- ASEAN economic community: awareness and acceptance of selected member countries
Hasan et al.
22- Application of ecological attributes in the contemporary landscape assessment research
Othman et al.
23- A survey on the space and living condition of zakat house for Asnafs Fakr and Miskin
Aripin et al.
Hasan et al.
25- Training aligned with business strategies: aiming at the ‘Strategic fit’
Ilyas et al.