Volume 2, Special Issue 10 (IPN Malaysia, Dec. 2015)
1- Smart phones usage among the millennial generation in Malaysia
Iman Khalid A. Qader, AzizahBinti Omar
Abdulsaheb et al.
Alias Yusof et al.
4- Antecedents of consumer behavior and foreign product evaluation among consumer
Kasuma et al.
5- Effect of Node Density and FEC Packet Size on Video Quality over HeterogeneousNetworks
Khalaf et al.
6- Feasibility study of water quality trend in long term time series for Langat River
Yusof et al.
7- Multibiometric systems and template security survey
EmadTahaKhalaf, NorrozilaSulaiman
FerlynVillaroyaLogronio, Cesar G. Demayo
9- 2014 Malaysia flood: impacts & factors contributing towards the restoration ofdamages
ZainalAbidinAkasah, Sunitha V. Doraisamy
Gema U. Alduhisa, Cesar G. Demayo
11- Consent, standard form contracts and empowerment for consumers
Mohd.Faiz Abdullah, Rozanah Ab. Rahman
12- Malaysia herbal industry: profile of SMES
Saari Ahmad, Noraini Othman
Appalasuwami et al.
14- Adaptive capacity of the Municipality of Sindangan to the changing climate
Yhebron J. Lagud, Cesar G. Demayo
Jafri et al.
Rosanilio M. Yagos, Cesar G. Demayo
17- The essential elasticity for energy demand: an application of la‐aids model in eastMalaysia
Kwang Jing Yii, Caroline Geetha
Mohd Said et al.
19- Facial shape variations between heterosexual and homosexual Filipino males
Demayo et al.
Mohd Saidet al.
21- Biosorption of Copper Ion using immobilized Saccharomyces Cerevisiae in a continuous
Abdul Raffar et al.
22- The US corporate income tax system: is it in need of reform?
House et al.
Radzi et al.
24- Bat with Dempster theory for feature selection: A framework
Rozlini et al.
Ahmad et al.